To purchase the e-tickets, please present barcode for payment at stores.

Shenzhen Shopping Route* - Adult (One-way)

Standard Price : $40 (Promotional price til 15 Dec 2024)

*Shenzhen Shopping Route ticket inbound/outbound: Qianhai Yifang Cheng Shopping Center; Longhua Costco; Longhua Yifang Tiandi (Sam's Club)

Hong Kong to Shenzhen (Outbound) Timetable:

Qianhai Yifang Cheng Shopping Center

Longhua Costco

Longhua Yifang Tiandi (Sam's Club)

Shenzhen to Hong Kong (Inbound) Timetable:

Qianhai Yifang Cheng Shopping Center

Longhua Costco

Longhua Yifang Tiandi (Sam's Club)

*Shenzhen Shopping Route ticket is a one-way bus ticket, ticket price HK$60. Can be used on the inbound or outbound trip. If this ticket is used during festivals, CTS Bus may additionally charge the fare difference when passengers board the bus.

Seat Reservation

Customers should use the serial number on 7-Eleven receipt for reservations. 

For reservation details and terms and conditions, please refer to 7-Eleven receipt and China Travel Bus website.

For Visa payment - scan the following QR code to purchase CTG bus tickets online via CTG Bus official website.

For WeChat payment - scan the following QR code to purchase CTG bus tickets via CTG Bus WeChat account.