7-Eleven Club Sim (Available at all 7-Eleven store)

Defaulted Service Pack
Local Data: 1 month 20GB + Unlimited*
Local Voice Minutes: Unlimited
Admin Fee: Waive
Free 7-Eleven HK$20 E-cash voucher^

RSP: $58

*First 20GB speed up to 42Mbps, thereafter capped at 128kbps.
^Click to learn the redemption steps of 7-Eleven $20 E-cash voucher

Remark: The above charges and terms & conditions are set by the telecommunications supplier, and are subject to change without notice.

Thereafter monthly plan top-up details

7-Eleven exclusive offer

$55:   20GB +Unlimited local data* +Unlimited local voice minutes
(Enjoy $20 extra discount by showing up above barcode)




$83:   40GB +Unlimited local data* +Unlimited local voice minutes
(Enjoy $20 extra discount by showing up above barcode)



$121: 80GB +Unlimited local data* +Unlimited local voice minutes
(Enjoy $20 extra discount by showing up above barcode)





*First 20GB / 40GB / 80GB speed up to 42Mbps, thereafter capped at 128kbps.

Click to learn top-up steps